> You will need to have a CSV file to import contacts into your account, the file should have a mandatory column named: MOBILE (NOT MOBILE NUMBER, PHONE NUMBER, etc). You can have other field names you have set-up in your account (Eg. First Name, Last Name, Time..). Add new Fields in your account here: Contacts > Settings > Add a new field.
The column headings in row 1 of the CSV file should match the Field name in the SMS platform (except upper/lower case)
> The mobile number can be in any format: 400000001, 0400 000 001, 614000000001, +61 400 000 001 and there is no need to add spaces or 61 if they are AU numbers. If your account is on an international plan, please add the relevant country code.
> 'Invalid' phone numbers in the file will not be imported. There is no need for you to delete non-mobile numbers in the file, (land line/1300 numbers). The SMS platform will also check for duplicates and will import numbers just once.
How to add to a group and add fields: How to add Data Fields and Create Groups.mkv (dropbox.com)