NOTE: Auto Replies & Keywords may be only on premium plans.  Talk to us on 1800 823 859 to upgrade if your account plan does not support this.

Click on KEYWORDS > Lease a Keyword now

1.  The mobile number you see is based on your Plan (this is the number the WORD should be texted into)

2.  Enter the WORD that you want to use as the Keyword. Use only Alphabets to name the keyword and do not use special characters.

3.  Select a date when you want to end the keyword action

4.  Type in your password

5.  Click on Keywords tab to view the keyword set-up.

6.  Click on EDIT TASKS to add actions that you want the keyword to perform.

7.  Do not forget to click on SAVE to register all changes.

8.  You can extend the lease of a keyword when it is active by clicking on EXTEND LEASE and RENEW LEASE when Keyword has expired.