To add new FIELDS:

Click on CONTACTS > Settings > Add a new field.


1) All fields are set-up with a default of 10 characters. If you wish to increase the character length of a field, click on EDIT field after a field has been created and you can change the number of characters for that field.

If the actual data in the fields is more or less than 10 characters in your list, then the message character counter will not correctly display the actual number of characters used. 
For eg.: If data in a field is 15 characters long, the character counter whilst booking your message will under estimate by 5 characters. The full message with the correct merge however will be sent out.

2)  DO NOT edit the Field name or Field type if these fields are being used by a Message/Reminder.

Making changes to a field when you have a booked message will not populate fields correctly when the message is sent out. 

Watch this Video:  How to add Data Fields and Create Groups.mkv (